Well a new wave in the sea of I-Phones ,producer of I- phones apple has ordered this time 10m CDMA handsets, the manufactures is Pegatron.As there is an urgent need of the devices that are more compatible to the every day's new technology and of course to match and accelerate with 3G network, as more concern would be on speed with new 3G subscriptions.
Apple's W-CDMA rival called Unicom has already brought in the I-PHONE with new subsidies, I-PHONEs are being sold at a rate of around 150,000 a month , to cope up the competition Apple is suppose to come out with an economical stuff that matches with today's fast speed requirements, it has targeted major CDMA regions of Asia and Latin America.
It is also planning to come out with a lower end model than the 3GS, a cheaper and economical I-PHONE is going to capture the market in India to suits the requirements of different income groups there, definitely it is going to bring a big leap in the sales of I-PHONEs , as apple is planning out to bring a new version of I-Phone , that will provide low cost CDMA or it can add CDMA radio to its present

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