All the rumors that has circulated around the world has been put a fullstop and said that the next model from Apple is said to join the already existing Apple mobiles, in the month of October. The yet to be launched model is dubbed as Apple iPhone 5S. It is revealed from online sources that the iPhone 5S release date is pushed back by two to four weeks, since the model has got some display issues in it; so the manufacturer has take some more time for the launch of the impressive model. Some of the leaks state that the manufacturer is struggling to produce a larger Retina Display panel for its upcoming iPhone, since there is no information provided from Apple (which is not yet cleared). As stated by the previous leaks, it is claimed that this iPhone 5S is expected to be an incremental update on the iPhone 5, keeping the same overall design and display size, just with updated internals; which exactly says that the iPhone 5S will be a mirror model to the iPhone 5.
For more detailed information regarding this model, you can just click on to the rumored Apple iPhone 5S pictures, which will give you a clear idea of the model. There is no exact news revealed about the Apple iPhone 5S price in India, but the online reports state that the price tag of this awaited model will be around Rs. 41,799 (varies from place to place). As we peep in to the Apple iPhone 5S features, It is believed that the iPhone 5S will receive a processor upgraded. It is expected that the Apple will fallow and upgrade a new software suites to compliment their camera set up. Apple is now in the final stages of development of its next-generation mobile software and iPhone 5S is expected to come out of the box with IOS7 processor.
It is also rumored that the iPhone 5S will come with 13-megapixel camera on its rear side. The other leaks state that this model will have an improved Face time shooter. It is equally believed that the A6X chip is likewise fixed within it. There are several other speculations which are actually claiming regarding the A7 quad-core chip. It is declared that it is also prepared to join the iPhone 5S. Fast 4G LTE connect ability is predicted to boosted in the gadget to give a remarkable look to the model.
For more detailed information regarding this model, you can just click on to the rumored Apple iPhone 5S pictures, which will give you a clear idea of the model. There is no exact news revealed about the Apple iPhone 5S price in India, but the online reports state that the price tag of this awaited model will be around Rs. 41,799 (varies from place to place). As we peep in to the Apple iPhone 5S features, It is believed that the iPhone 5S will receive a processor upgraded. It is expected that the Apple will fallow and upgrade a new software suites to compliment their camera set up. Apple is now in the final stages of development of its next-generation mobile software and iPhone 5S is expected to come out of the box with IOS7 processor.
It is also rumored that the iPhone 5S will come with 13-megapixel camera on its rear side. The other leaks state that this model will have an improved Face time shooter. It is equally believed that the A6X chip is likewise fixed within it. There are several other speculations which are actually claiming regarding the A7 quad-core chip. It is declared that it is also prepared to join the iPhone 5S. Fast 4G LTE connect ability is predicted to boosted in the gadget to give a remarkable look to the model.