Apple mobiles is prepping up for the release of the latest version of its smartphone, the Apple iPhone 5. The smartphone is has been launched in India in the month of November. The market for the smartest phone in the world may not be huge in India but Apple CEO Tim Cook isn’t ignoring the growing market, that’s for sure. It is rumored that Apple is already gathering up a sales team for the promotion and distribution of the iPhone 5 in India. The Apple iPhone 5 price us Rs. 45,500 for the 16GB model.
According to the sources, Apple will not be dealing in the same method of retailing in India as it has been doing in the past. Rather than distributing the iPhone via the carriers alone, Apple has planned to release the smartphone in the open market also. That implies that the Apple iPhone 5 will be available across retails stores in addition to the few select carrier stores of Airtel and Aircel in India. Also it is known that Apple has placed orders with some of the Indian mobile carriers to begin production of Nano SIM cards. In addition, sources place Apple as hiring sales personnel for junior and middle level position for the sale of the iPhone, iPad and iPod line up of the Apple branch.
The Apple iPhone 5 features include a larger display of 4 inch with a higher resolution display screen. The phone also supports the 4G LTE version as is confirmed from sources. The phone is powered by a powerful quad core processor; the make not confirmed, may be A6 or Exynos from Samsung. The in cell display technology is a new addition to the smartphone, which has resulted in the model being lighter and thinner in design. The memory consists of 1 GB of RAM. The rear end has a dual tone finish and the operating system is the star, the iOS 6, the latest, most updated and extensive iOS till now. Thus, the latest from Apple would hardly disappoint. Some of the leaked Apple iPhone 5 pictures suggest a smooth and sleek design that would surpass the previous versions easily. As there has been no official statement from Apple yet, all these are speculations although sources have confirmed most of it. I shared that Apple iPad Popular Tablet as Compared to Others.